DIY body scrub for your dosha


Based on our dosha makeup, we all have different skin types. When we tune in to our skin awareness and the ancient system of Ayurveda, we can pick the skin care products that feel the best and most beneficial for our skin type, helping to ultimately create balance from the inside out. The three basic skin types — Vata, Pitta and Kapha — are based on the three doshas.

Making your body scrubs at home is a great way to know what you are putting onto your skin. Below are a few recipes for homemade Body scrubs tailored to each unique Dosha. 


Vata dosha is light, dry, thin and cool. When out of balance, it may become excessively dry and rough or be subject to redness, flakiness or eczema. Choosing oils such as lavender and sweet orange can help to keep Vata hydrated and grounded.  

Body scrub for VATA

1 cup of lentils  

2/3 cup clove oil 

3 tablespoons honey 

1 tablespoon of ashwagandha powder 

10 drops of lavender oil 

3 drops of sweet orange oil 


  • Grind lentils into a smooth powder 

  • Mix all powders with honey  

  • Add oils together 


Pitta skin is fair or rosy, soft and warm to the touch. If your dominant skin type is Pitta, you may be prone to sensitive skin, inflammation, rashes, acne and redness. A sugar scrub is a good option for this skin type, which helps to pacify Pitta. Coconut oil scrubs are also great for cooling Pitta. 

Body scrub for PITTA  

1 Cup of brown sugar 

1/3 cup melted coconut oil  

3 tablespoons rose petals  

10 drops of jasmine essential oil  


  • Mix the sugar and the oil together in a glass jar

  • Blend the chamomile flowers and rose petals in a blender

  • Combine the powder with the brown sugar and oil

  • Add the essential oils


Kapha skin can be thick, cool and oily and retain a lot of water. Kapha yearns to be energised, and we can do this by choosing citrus essential oils that are light and uplifting such as lemon, combined with stimulating herbs. 

Body scrub for KAPHA 

1 cup of sea salt  

2 tablespoons of dry sage 

2 tablespoons dried Tulsi 

2 Tablespoons dried rosemary 

½ cup safflower oil 

10 drops of lemon essential oils 


  • Grind the sage, tulsi and rosemary together

  • Add to sea salt and mix

  • Add safflower oil and essential oils.

Body scrubbing is a highly effective way to purify your body and stimulate energy flow. It can also be an extremely mindful process to nourish and cleanse your body in your daily wellness routine. The use of body scrubs is most effective after the practice of Garshara, an Ayurvedic dry brushing ritual that helps to promote lymphatic cleansing and helps support the natural process of detoxification in the body. So grab a dry brush and your homemade DIY body scrub and take a long, mindful shower. Enjoy! 

Maddie Rowland

Maddie is a passionate yoga teacher, singer and musician who has spent the last years sharing her practice between Cornwall, Portugal and Bali. In her classes, she combines her love for world music and sound, using a variety of instruments to create a healing space, guiding you along a journey of sound and moving meditation. After completing her 300-hour YTTC with us, Maddie was a guest teacher on a few of our YTTC’s in Portugal before becoming a faculty member at the 200 as well as 300 hour programs.


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